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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Clothes Accessories

Clothes definitely aid confidence. But to improve or enhance the look the right kind of accessory is important. Accessories always need not to be coordinated with color as many times contrast things do work. These days beady necklaces are prominent and also huge chunky pendants of the vintage types. These can be worn with contrasting dresses and tops and the element of make up completes the look.

In case you are repeating an outfit to an event or a party then accessorize the same with new jewelry. Spruce up the old dupatta with embroidery or also get into mirror yoke work on the over worn kurta. These kind of ideas work and there is charm in the butwa purse, hand bags and ethnic clutches. Make up need to be subtle when the accessory like footwear is boots, pumps or anything that creates volume. The impact should highlight certain points like the line of the dress, cut or just color.

Flamboyant styles are seen in stoles and shawls that can be worn over kurtas and messages T shirts. The size factor is necessary for belts, bracelets and chunky hand jewelry. Petite figures need to do justice to size and number in terms of necklaces or bangles. Too much of anything will not be justified as fashion. The grunge look is just about attitude and not age and must befit the occasion.

Fake tattoos are exciting in traditional style and oriental ones. Go in for nose studs of the stick on variety or for the bold look get your nose pierced or additional piercing for the ear. The style must be complete. For chic corporate looks branded items spell class. This is about a formal look like belts, coats, buttons, cuts, shoes, stockings, wrist watches, wallets, hair clips, pendants and neat ear pieces.
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Fashion Faux PasThursday, June 11th, 2009

Fashion Faux Pas
Trying to be fashionable is one thing but going beyond the line of ‘excess’ is another thing. In an attempt to look modern and updated with latest fashion trends, many people do make the mistake of confusing appropriate with excessive. They say, life is well lived in moderation. Restraint is the key. But when you cross the line in any department of fashion whether makeup, dress, accessories or hair, things can turn silly. Fashion is all about following simple thing with the touch of elegance. Mix them together and you get a wonderful outcome and in sense of fashion; appearance.
This article aims to inform you about common fashion mistake or fashion faux pas. Make sure, you do not repeat these mistakes and avoid yourself from any possible chances of being mocked. First and foremost, try to wear clothes according to your size and shape. If you are slim, better not go for baggy clothes because they will make you appear fat. Baggy clothes are known to add few pounds to your petite appearance. Always use perfectly fitted dress. Wrinkled clothes should also be avoided. Ironed clothes give your appearance that polished look.
Never ever allow hair to protrude from your nose or ear. This is kind of a huge turn-off. All you need to use is a simple scissor and get rid of that ugly hair. As far as head hair is concerned, keep them well arranged and styled. Hair adds charm to your personality so better to take good care of them. Use of sandals must be done judiciously. Always wear sandals that match your dress. Lastly, make sure you are suing good mouthwash, body lotion and effective deodorant.

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